It is our intention to re-open the Village Hall as soon as the government’s Covid regulations allow. At the moment it is our expectation that this will be at the beginning of October.

We are very aware that village organisations have suffered from the months of closure, and while there are some who are not ready to return, the current regulations would make it possible for others to do so.

All those who regularly use the Hall’s facilities have been consulted and you can be sure that the Committee have worked hard to produce a comprehensive risk assessment and to ensure that all the required safety measures have been put in place. Full details are available to prospective hirers.

Obviously we must bear in mind that government regulations can change but we wanted to let you know what has been done and decided so far. We look forward to a return to future normality with your Village Hall once again a centre for village activity.

Rosemary Gentry
Chairman, Turvey Village Hall Committee