Hopefully you’ll never need to use this equipment but just for awarenes, the village hall has a defibrillator available for cardiac emergencies. It is sited on the road side of the building.

Turvey Village Hall
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
In the unlikely event you ever need a defibrillator, please note the village hall has a unit sited on the roadside of the building, you can’t miss it – see the picture.
(also shown bottom left of the defibrillator.)
1 – Dial 999 and ask for the ambulance service.
2 – You will be questioned to see if the casualty has suffered a cardiac arrest.
3 – When you give your location, tell the operator you are close to an AED and provide the postcode or number, shown on the yellow box (just below the keypad.)
4 – If appropriate you will be directed to begin CPR and given instructions as to how to access the AED.